Hempstead Prostitution Lawyer 

Defending Against Prostitution Charges in New York 

At The Law Office of Stuart A. Kanoff & Associates, we understand that individuals facing prostitution charges in Hempstead, New York, often find themselves in stressful and sensitive situations. Our team of experienced attorneys is here to provide you with solid legal representation and personalized support throughout your case. We have a deep understanding of New York's laws regarding prostitution and will work tirelessly to protect your rights and achieve the best possible outcome for you.

Call The Law Office of Stuart A. Kanoff & Associates today at (516) 447-8009 or contact us online to schedule a meeting with our prostitution attorney in Hempstead!

What are the Penalties for Prostitution in New York?

In New York, prostitution charges can result in severe penalties that may significantly impact your life and future. Your exact consequences depend on your case's specific charges and circumstances. However, common penalties for prostitution-related offenses in New York may include:

  • Misdemeanor or Felony Charges: Prostitution charges can be classified as misdemeanors or felonies, depending on the nature of the offense. Misdemeanor charges are generally less severe, while felonies carry more significant penalties.
  • Fines: Conviction for prostitution may lead to substantial fines, adding financial strain to your situation.
  • Jail or Prison Time: Depending on the severity of the charges, you could face imprisonment. This can range from a few days to several years, especially for repeat offenses or aggravating circumstances.
  • Probation: The court may impose probation, during which you must comply with specific conditions and restrictions. Failure to meet these requirements may result in additional consequences.
  • Criminal Record: A prostitution conviction can permanently mark your criminal record, potentially affecting your employment opportunities and personal life.

Defenses Against Prostitution Charges

When facing prostitution charges in Hempstead, having a skilled attorney who can explore all possible defenses to protect your rights is crucial. Our experienced team at The Law Office of Stuart A. Kanoff & Associates can work diligently to build a strong defense tailored to your case. Some common defenses against prostitution charges include:

  • Lack of Evidence: We will thoroughly examine the prosecution's evidence to identify weaknesses or inconsistencies that may undermine their case against you.
  • Entrapment: If law enforcement officers engage in entrapment, coercing or inducing you to commit the crime, this can be a valid defense strategy.
  • Mistaken Identity: We will investigate whether you were wrongly identified as involved in the alleged prostitution activities.
  • Constitutional Violations: Any violation of your constitutional rights during the investigation, arrest, or prosecution can be challenged in court.

Contact Our Hempstead Prostitution Attorney Today

When facing prostitution charges in Hempstead, New York, The Law Office of Stuart A. Kanoff & Associates is your dedicated legal partner. Our experienced team understands the complexities of prostitution laws in New York and will fight vigorously to protect your rights and future. We are committed to providing you with the highest level of legal representation, ensuring that you receive fair treatment and a strong defense against the charges you face. Your future is our priority, and we will stand by your side every step of the way.

Contact The Law Office of Stuart A. Kanoff & Associates today to schedule a FREE consultation with our prostitution lawyer in Hempstead!

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